
Empowering Citizen Developers: The Transformative Power of Bot-a-thons in RPA

In today’s digital landscape, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions are increasingly vital for making business processes more efficient and error-free. A compelling concept that supports this trend is the Bot-a-thon. This becomes particularly interesting when such events are specifically designed for Citizen Developers. But what exactly is a Bot-a-thon, and why are Citizen Developers so crucial in this context?

What is a Bot-a-thon?

A Bot-a-thon is a time-bound, often collaborative event where participants intensely work on developing, optimizing, or implementing RPA bots. The term combines “Bot” and “Marathon,” resembling concepts like hackathons, where innovation and teamwork are paramount.

Focus on Citizen Developers

Citizen Developers are employees without formal programming skills who can create their own automation solutions using user-friendly RPA tools. They often possess a deep understanding of specific business processes, making them invaluable contributors to automation efforts.

Why Citizen Developers?

  1. Broader Participation: Involving employees from various departments fosters a wider range of ideas and solutions.
  2. Process-Oriented Thinking: Citizen Developers are intimately familiar with their department’s daily challenges and can develop tailored automation solutions.
  3. Faster Implementation: Their firsthand knowledge of processes enables them to create more efficient and practical bots.

Designing a Bot-a-thon for Citizen Developers

To successfully design a Bot-a-thon for Citizen Developers, consider the following aspects:

1. Provide User-Friendly RPA Tools

Offer accessible RPA platforms such as UiPath, Automation Anywhere, or Microsoft Power Automate that do not require deep programming expertise.

2. Offer Training and Workshops

Prior to the Bot-a-thon, provide basic training on RPA and the tools being used. During the event, conduct targeted workshops to impart advanced knowledge.

3. Support from Mentors

Experienced RPA experts should act as mentors to assist with technical questions and problem-solving throughout the event.

4. Clear Objectives and Challenges

Define specific business processes or challenges that RPA bots should address. This provides participants with clear direction and encourages focused solutions.

5. Encourage Collaboration

Promote the formation of interdisciplinary teams to combine different perspectives and skills.

Benefits of a Bot-a-thon for Citizen Developers

1. Fostering Innovation

Bot-a-thons create a creative environment where new ideas can be developed without the usual operational constraints.

2. Knowledge Sharing and Networking

Participants can learn from each other’s experiences and build valuable connections within the organization.

3. Identifying Automation Opportunities

Direct engagement with business processes makes automation possibilities more visible, uncovering opportunities that might have previously gone unnoticed.

4. Promoting a Digital Culture

Such events enhance awareness and acceptance of digital transformation and automation within the company.

Success Factors for a Successful Bot-a-thon

  1. Clear Communication: Inform employees early about the goals, schedule, and expectations of the Bot-a-thon.
  2. Resource Availability: Ensure sufficient technical resources and support are available throughout the event.
  3. Incentives: Motivate participants with prizes, recognition, or the prospect of real-world implementation of their solutions.
  4. Sustainability: Develop a strategy to continue developing and integrating the bots created during the Bot-a-thon into everyday operations.

Practical Examples

Companies like Siemens, Roche and Deutsche Telekom have successfully conducted Bot-a-thons where Citizen Developers played a key role in developing innovative RPA solutions. These events not only led to process optimization but also increased employee engagement and satisfaction.


A Bot-a-thon offers an excellent opportunity to harness the potential of Citizen Developers within the RPA environment. By providing targeted support and creating a creative framework, companies can not only optimize their business processes but also foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. In an era where digital transformation is crucial for business success, Bot-a-thons serve as a valuable component to remain competitive and future-ready.

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  • Automatisierte Teilebestellung und Lagerverwaltung
  • Fahrzeugregistrierung und -zulassung automatisieren
  • Garantie- und Rückrufabwicklung automatisieren
  • Logistik- und Versandprozesse automatisieren
  • Automatisierte Verarbeitung von Kundendienstanfragen
  • Automatisierte Qualitätskontrolle
  • Produktionsplanung und -steuerung
  • Vorausschauende Wartung
  • Lieferkettenoptimierung
  • Fahrerassistenzsysteme mit KI


  • Automatisiertes Offboarding von Mitarbeitern
  • Erstellung von Arbeitsverträgen automatisieren
  • Urlaubsanträge und Genehmigungen automatisieren
  • Überwachung von Schulungs- und Zertifizierungsanforderungen
  • Automatisierung von Mitarbeiter-Feedback-Prozessen
  • Bewerber-Screening automatisieren
  • Onboarding-Prozesse optimieren
  • Zeit- und Anwesenheitsmanagement
  • Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung automatisieren
  • Mitarbeiterzufriedenheitsanalyse mit KI


  • Automatisierte Schadensbearbeitung
  • Automatisierte Kundenkommunikation per E-Mail
  • Automatisierte Prämienberechnung
  • Verarbeitung von Rückversicherungsansprüchen
  • Abschluss von Neuverträgen und Policenverwaltung
  • Anpassungen und Kündigungen von Versicherungsverträgen
  • Risikobewertung durch Datenanalyse
  • Underwriting-Prozesse automatisieren
  • Betrugserkennung mit KI
  • Kundendienst-Chatbots
  • Compliance- und Regulierungsberichterstattung automatisieren
  • Datenmigration und -integration zwischen unterschiedlichen Systemen